Safety Security Service


Safety. Security. Service.


We are here to help you

Today’s world is the realm of the unknown. You can never know when you will be placed in a dangerous or possibly violent situation. Sempara can show your organization how to respond when real world threats occur and the worst day comes to your door. We pride ourselves on our teaching ability, giving everyone in your organization the knowledge and skills to respond to an ever-changing world


Contact us today

Initial phone consultation is free

We will work with you to create a multi-tiered response to various types of incidents; putting your employees in a position to help themselves, and others.


The training was very helpful. In the world we live in now, we need all of the help we can get to help us think about our surroundings
— WestHealth Surgery Center Employee
I agree with what Ben said about “muscle memory”. It seems that having acted the scenario out...I can bypass “freeze mode”. In the event of an actual active shooter event-I have a plan
— WestHealth Surgery Center Employee
Very helpful, very insightful and makes me feel better prepared to face our world today
— WestHealth Surgery Center Employee


We will deliver world class training on current methods and tactics to prepare you for the threats that face our world. Our team will communicate with you in a professional manner and answer any questions you have along the way.

About Sempara

Sempara was created to share our training and experience as law enforcement officers, paramedics, and as instructors. We have had the privilege to serve with some of the bravest and most humble people. Their dedication to public safety made us want to bring that service and dedication to you. At Sempara, we want your organization to prepare for what today’s uncertain world can bring and we will teach you how to prepare for various threats/situations. We also want to keep in touch with you, to make sure that as the world changes, we prepare you to deal with those changes so that your organization is at the forefront of public safety.